Thursday, January 05, 2006

Will's First Deep Thoughts

I love my Daddy. My Mom is pretty cool too. She feeds me and stuff. I just think that I look like an eskimo in this picture. My Daddy says I remind him of the little boy on the movie The Christmas Story. I think he is right.


Anonymous said...

I am pretty sure he is the cutest baby ever, even if I am a little bias seeing that I am his mom!! Put more pictures on here so everyone else can see that he is the cutest ever!! With cousin Micah and Gracie coming in a close second!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Ryan F. said...

I removed the double post. Wasn't anything bad.

Ryan F. said...

It's on Pacific time for some reason.

Anonymous said...

great site ryan (and will)! i like knowing what our youth group baby is thinking. the eskimo suit is my favorite!

JS said...

Post your webshots address!

bigsip said...

VERY Cute, Ryan. Glad you have joined the blogland, btw.

Unknown said...

Micah can give him a good run for his money in the cute department. Check out his new pics, btw. But the eskimo shot is quite delicious. He looks like a little bear.

Anonymous said...

Both Micah and Will look good to grandpa

kellieja said...

Well Ryan...This is kelliejanderson. Um Yeah, the baby is too cute. Long story how I found your blog but I did. I mainly just use my blog here to comment on others. I guess I need to start using it. Enjoy this....this is where my thoughts are for now....

