Thursday, February 26, 2009

Back In My 20's

Who would have thought I would ever be able to get back in my 20's? After all, I'm 32 years old. No, I don't mean age, I'm talking about my 220's. I've been setting small goals as a part of my big goal to lose weight. It helps to keep me encouraged working toward these smaller goals. Today I took what I believe is my biggest step so far, I got below the 230 mark into my 220's. The reason this holds a great significance for me is because the last time I worked out with a goal of losing weight was back in the summer of 2002 or 2003, I don't quite remember. Anyways, I remember getting down to like 224 or 225. That was the last time I saw those numbers, so for me to get back in that range was a huge accomplishment. Another reason is that we are headed back to Montgomery this weekend and I wanted to get under 230 for my return trip there.

I got to my goal weight by running 3 miles today for the first time probably ever. That's running without stopping. I'd been running 2 miles everyday, but had only worked up to that about a week ago. So I really pushed myself today to run the 3 miles. It felt good when I finished, but boy did it hurt while I was trying to get it done.

So we will be in Montgomery this weekend and next week for the lectures. We get to see some old friends, take in some lessons from God's word and get recharged. I'm excited about it and I know Tammy is as well. Hopefully my next post after we get back next week I'll have some pictures to post from our trip. Maybe some video as well.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Some Things I've Learned About Weight Loss...

I have learned a lot about losing weight over the past month and a half. For one, it's not easy, but it's very doable if you are committed to it. Commitment and patience are the keys in losing weight. You can't expect to eat bad for 10 years and then look like you did in college again in a few weeks. It is, however, very rewarding if you can grind it out and keep that goal in the front of your mind.

I've learned that I lose most of my weight at the beginning of the week. Why? Well because I eat better when I'm at work. I drink lots of water and take my lunch everyday. At home, it's easy to go to the fridge or the pantry to get something to snack on when you get bored. Not at work. I'm constantly busy (keeping my mind off of food) and I have nothing else to eat except for what I brought for lunch. Case in point, I weighed 240 on 2/2. I weighed 237 on 2/4. I weighed 239 on 2/9. That's down 3 at the beginning of the week and then up 2 at the end. Today I am 235. That's down 4 at the beginning of the week. So my challenge is to put together a full week every week.

I've also learned that fried foods and sweets are the enemy (for me anyways). Anytime I "cheat" and eat something fried, it always comes back to bite me on the scale. Sweet Tea and desserts also get me too. I will only drink it once a week now if at all. Even when I drink it once a week it hurts me. So I'm pretty much all water all the time.

I guess I'm learning my body and what puts weight on and what helps take it off. I'm down 30 pounds in almost 6 & 1/2 weeks. Hopefully in another 6 or 7 I'll be down 30 or 35 more!

Monday, February 02, 2009

1 Month Down

Well the month of January has come and gone and I am 25 pounds lighter than I was at the end of last year! When I think back it's kind of hard to believe. Sometimes I think to myself, "If I had just been doing this all along, I could already be where I wanted to be by now!" Oh well, better late than never. I feel like 25 pounds in 5 weeks is pretty good. If I can keep it up I should be where I want to be weight wise by late March, early April.

I think the toughest part of all of this is dealing with the weather. I want to be outside running and walking, but the cold weather has kept me inside. So I've been doing a lot of cardio stuff I can do in my living room. It stinks because I hate cardio. I would rather be outside running.

I've been showing people my driver's license picture that was taken in August of 2008. It's really the only picture I have of my face where you can tell a big difference between then and now. It makes it all worthwhile to be able to see the progress like that. When you look at yourself everyday in the mirror you just don't see it as clearly.

I think later in the week I might post a blog about my favorite tunes to listen to while working out. I'll let you (if anyone even reads this anymore) post your favorite songs to get you motivated.