Thursday, February 26, 2009

Back In My 20's

Who would have thought I would ever be able to get back in my 20's? After all, I'm 32 years old. No, I don't mean age, I'm talking about my 220's. I've been setting small goals as a part of my big goal to lose weight. It helps to keep me encouraged working toward these smaller goals. Today I took what I believe is my biggest step so far, I got below the 230 mark into my 220's. The reason this holds a great significance for me is because the last time I worked out with a goal of losing weight was back in the summer of 2002 or 2003, I don't quite remember. Anyways, I remember getting down to like 224 or 225. That was the last time I saw those numbers, so for me to get back in that range was a huge accomplishment. Another reason is that we are headed back to Montgomery this weekend and I wanted to get under 230 for my return trip there.

I got to my goal weight by running 3 miles today for the first time probably ever. That's running without stopping. I'd been running 2 miles everyday, but had only worked up to that about a week ago. So I really pushed myself today to run the 3 miles. It felt good when I finished, but boy did it hurt while I was trying to get it done.

So we will be in Montgomery this weekend and next week for the lectures. We get to see some old friends, take in some lessons from God's word and get recharged. I'm excited about it and I know Tammy is as well. Hopefully my next post after we get back next week I'll have some pictures to post from our trip. Maybe some video as well.

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