Monday, February 04, 2008

What's 3 months?

So I haven't posted in 3 months. So what? I was trying to be a better blogger towards the end of last year, but I fell off something fierce. So what has happened in 3 months? Well, a good bit. My wife is still pregnant and still due in May, but we found out we are having a girl. I was pretty excited because I really did want one of each. One of our friends from church had a girl and I think that made me really want to have one as opposed to another boy.

Well, we had a great Thanksgiving and Christmas. Got to see family and that is always good. I promised Tammy after the holidays that I would really get going on trying to find a house. Well, she and Will took a cruise the first of January and while she was gone I put an offer on a house, and they accepted. So, now we are just waiting for the normal stuff like the inspection and all. Hopefully we will close on the 15th of February. For pics of the new house, visit my wife's blog. There is a link to it on the upper right hand side of the blog.

The preaching is going well. We just finished our first year at Lake Forest and we really love it here. We have a great family to work with. We are excited about getting into our new home so that we can have people from church over to spend some time with them.

We have a lot coming up in the next few months. I am speaking at a youth rally this month and am scheduled to speak as a part of a gospel meeting sometime this year. Lads to Leaders is right around the corner and I am the Song Leading coordinator for the boys this year in Orlando. We'll see how that goes:) I am also doing a wedding here at church in April, so we have a lot going on between now and May when my little girl will be here.

I'll try and post some pictures and videos, since I have some but am obviously behind on posting anything. I promise to do better...we'll see how that works out!


Leslie P. said...

Who is getting married?

Tammy said...

Jeff and Sam

Ryan F. said...

Jeff Brewer that is, Bobby's son. I'm assuming you know him, and Samantha, his fiance.

Leslie P. said...

Yes I know him

kellieja said...

cant wait to see pictures of the new little girl. I will check back in a few months ;)