Saturday, December 23, 2006

Moving to Jacksonville

As many of you may have already heard, my family and I are moving to Jacksonville, FL. I have accepted the position of the Pulpit Minister at the Lake Forest Church of Christ. We are very excited about this new job and our move to Florida. We spent 8 & 1/2 great years at the University Church in Montgomery. We feel like this is a great opportunity for us and we are looking forward to moving down there and getting started.

Of course, we will miss everyone in Montgomery. When you are with a church for that long, it becomes home to you. We hope to take advantage of every opportunity to come and visit that we can.

We will be moving the first week of January. Please keep us in your prayers. It has taken a lot to get our house in Montgomery ready to sell. Once we get it sold, we will look to buy a house down there. In the meantime, we have rented an apartment to live in. I'm just ready to get down there and get settled in and begin working. Please pray for us and the congregation at Lake Forest that we will do God's will and grow as a result of that.

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