Monday, February 06, 2012

The Blessing Of The Upright

When we struggle with the decision of doing right or wrong, we often times think in the context of ourselves. In other words, we ask , “How will this decision affect me?” We think about the implications that it has on our lives and not too often what it might mean to others. Maybe it’s time we start thinking outside of ourselves. Maybe we need to begin looking at the “bigger picture”. Our decisions in life can at times affect those around us as well. Proverbs 11:11 says this, “By the blessing of the upright the city is exalted, but it is overthrown by the mouth of the wicked.” There may be times that by our righteous living and prayerful petitions, that God may bless those around us. We see a perfect example of this as Abraham pleaded with God not to overthrow the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen. 18). He asked God over and over if He would spare them if there were so many who were found as righteous in the city. His last request with God was that God would spare them if there were 10 righteous found. God was willing to do this, although we later find out that there were not even 10. The point is that God was willing to spare an entire city for the sake of 10 righteous people. Maybe it is today that God is willing to prolong His judgment of this world on behalf of a few who are trying to live righteous before Him. May this awareness of others help us to live a life that can be a potential blessing to not only ourselves, but also to those around us.

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

What We Need In ________...

There is no doubt to anyone who spends even just a few minutes in one of our public schools today that God is needed there. Just yesterday at my son’s elementary school a fellow 1st grader became irate and began to pull hair, kick, punch, and even stab a classmate with a fork. This behavior was also directed at the teacher who tried to calm him down. His immediate punishment was to stand in the corner until his mother came. My son was in shock and it scared him and many others as well. I know that this type of incident is not just isolated to one school in one area.

Now, let me say that I do not blame this 6 year old boy as much as I blame his parents. Where did he learn such behavior? Has he ever done this at home? Where is the proper training he needs to be a good citizen? No doubt God is needed not just in our schools but in the home as well. Just today the Florida Senate passed a bill that would allow students to lead prayers at school. Not teachers, just students. I guess we should look upon this as a victory, that at least our kids can now lead a prayer without getting in trouble. In fact, before today, a student leading a prayer may have suffered worse punishment than one stabbing his classmates with a fork (that’s not based upon factual knowledge, just a thought).

That is why the title of this devotional has left a blank. We need God in our schools! We need God in our homes! We need God in our workplace! We need God in our lives! It’s time we stop sitting back and letting Satan run amuck in this world. It’s time we start standing up for what is right and taking back our homes, our jobs, our schools, and our lives and give them to God. However, we can do nothing unless we first decide that Christ is going to reign in our lives. Once we do that, we die to self and begin to live out his will in our lives and in this world (Gal. 2:20). Then we can truly begin to act for Him in the world we live in to be a positive influence on those who need Him the most!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Which Prize Will You Choose?

There was an old game show called “Let’s Make A Deal” in which contestants were able to choose various prizes from behind different doors. The host would ask the contestants if they wanted to pick what was behind door number 1 or door number 2. Let’s suppose for a moment you were offered the choice between 2 prizes. Behind door number 1 is wisdom. Behind door number 2 are riches. Which would you choose? Most in our world would probably choose riches. Why? Probably because they think that happiness is found in material riches and goods. However, you and I have also seen many who become instantly wealthy and waste it all away. Again, why? Simply put, because they did not have the wisdom they needed to go along with the riches. Without wisdom, one cannot properly enjoy God’s blessings.

Let’s ask a man who had both riches and wisdom what he thinks is the most important of the two. Solomon, what would you say? In Proverbs 8:10-11 Solomon tells us, “Receive my instruction, and not silver, and knowledge rather than choice gold; for wisdom is better than rubies, and all the things one may desire cannot be compared with her.” Instead of dreaming about becoming rich or a millionaire, maybe our thoughts should wander to gaining wisdom. God has never promised to make us millionaires, but He has promised to bless us with wisdom and to give liberally when we ask Him for it (James 1:5). Why not begin today by asking God to bless you with wisdom in your life? That is the better prize!

Which Prize Will You Choose?

There was an old game show called “Let’s Make A Deal” in which contestants were able to choose various prizes from behind different doors. The host would ask the contestants if they wanted to pick what was behind door number 1 or door number 2. Let’s suppose for a moment you were offered the choice between 2 prizes. Behind door number 1 is wisdom. Behind door number 2 are riches. Which would you choose? Most in our world would probably choose riches. Why? Probably because they think that happiness is found in material riches and goods. However, you and I have also seen many who become instantly wealthy and waste it all away. Again, why? Simply put, because they did not have the wisdom they needed to go along with the riches. Without wisdom, one cannot properly enjoy God’s blessings.

Let’s ask a man who had both riches and wisdom what he thinks is the most important of the two. Solomon, what would you say? In Proverbs 8:10-11 Solomon tells us, “Receive my instruction, and not silver, and knowledge rather than choice gold; for wisdom is better than rubies, and all the things one may desire cannot be compared with her.” Instead of dreaming about becoming rich or a millionaire, maybe our thoughts should wander to gaining wisdom. God has never promised to make us millionaires, but He has promised to bless us with wisdom and to give liberally when we ask Him for it (James 1:5). Why not begin today by asking God to bless you with wisdom in your life? That is the better prize!